ACFI personnel include faculty, research staff, and students at UMass Amherst, affiliated faculty and researchers at other institutions (see Partners), the Director, and an Advisory Board.
Associate Professor
Experimental searches for new phenomena, including Hidden Valley scenarios.
Associate Professor
Experimental particle physicists studying the Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector.
Experimental searches at ATLAS for new, exotic phenomena and Higgs measurements.
Distinguished Professor - Emeritus
Particle physics theory, effective field theory and quantum field theory in general, Quantum General Relativity, Field Theory approaches to quantum gravity.
Professor Emeritus
Theoretical High Energy Physics with an emphasis on phenomenology and fundamental symmetries.
Assistant Professor
String theory, quantum gravity, non-perturbative quantum field theory, particle and string phenomenology, cosmology.
Associate Professor
Experimental Particle Physics at Low Energies, Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics, Detector R&D.
Professor Emeritus
Theoretical particle and nuclear physics, General relativity, Effective field theory.
Associate Head/Senior Lecturer II
Classical and Quantum Gravity and String Theory
Experimental particle and AMO physics. Emphasis on precision measurements of particle electric and magnetic dipole moments as tests of the Standard Model.
Distinguished Gluckstern Professor
Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics, Tests of Fundamental Symmetries and Conservation Laws, Precision Tests of the Standard Model, Novel Probes of the QCD Structure of the Nucleon.
Associate Professor
Experimental particle physics, LHC, searching for new phenomena with the Higgs boson, electronics for triggers.
Tests of fundamental symmetries and low-energy QCD. Experimental Nuclear Physics.
Professor & Assistant Director, Amherst Center for Fundamental Interactions
Experimental neutrino physicist exploring neutrino and dark matter properties.
Professor & Director, Amherst Center for Fundamental Interactions
Theoretical physics at the interface of nuclear physics, high energy physics, and cosmology: baryogenesis; physics beyond the Standard Model; fundamental symmetries; dark matter; electroweak symmetry breaking; collider phenomenology; quantum chromodynamics; effective field theories.
Theoretical physics at the interface of cosmology and physics beyond the Standard Model, with particular emphasis on inflation and its signatures in the cosmic microwave background, and on cosmological gravitational waves. Also, research in General Relativity and its possible modifications at low energies.
Classical and Quantum Gravity.
Experimental particle physics at the energy frontier. Search for new phenomena and measurements with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider.
Scientists & Engineers
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Effective field theories, Quantum resonant states, Thermal field theory, Electroweak Baryogenesis, Beyond the Standard Model Physics.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Electroweak baryogenesis, the electroweak phase transition, and examining the collider phenomenology of models that could be capable of generating an asymmetry via these mechanisms.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Experimental Particle Physics, ATLAS at the LHC.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Experimental Nuclear Physics and Electroweak physics.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Experimental Particle Physics, ATLAS at the LHC.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
BSM model buildings involving their phenomenological and cosmological implications, Neutrino masses and mixing, Dark matter physics and Electroweak Baryogenesis.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dark Matter Experiment
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Experimental particle and nuclear physics
Graduate Student (NENS) Stony Brook
Experimental nuclear and particle physics, probing astrophysics in the lab and physics beyond the standard model.
Professor, Amherst College
Theoretical particle physics; neutrino physics; electroweak symmetry breaking.
Advisory Board
Technical U. Munich
U. Maryland
Institute for Nuclear Theory/U. Washington
U. Tennessee/Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Rutgers U.
Texas A & M U.
U.C. Berkeley/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Yale U.
U. Washington
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Brown U.
Jefferson Laboratory/William & Mary
North Carolina State U.
Institute for Nuclear Theory/U. Washington
U.C. Santa Cruz
Duke U.
U. Arizona