Realizing the full potential of experimental studies of nuclear matter requires a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of its microscopic constituents, within the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Lattice QCD calculations have made significant contributions to our understanding of the strong interaction, but little is known from ab initio calculations about the dynamical properties of quarks and gluons. A central challenge for such calculations is the need to solve ill-posed inverse problems. This workshop will bring together practitioners in the field of lattice QCD and other communities working with inverse problems to address recent progress and remaining challenges in the extraction of dynamical properties from both numerical calculations and from experiment.
Martha Constantinou (Temple University)
Christopher Monahan (William & Mary/Jefferson Lab)
Alexander Rothkopf (Stavanger University)
8:20am |
8:30am |
Parton distribution functions from lattice QCD using Bayes-Gauss-Fourier transforms
Floriano Manigrasso University of Cyprus, Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Rome "Tor Vergata" manigrasso_slides.pdf |
9:00am |
The BNL Approach to PDFs from Lattice QCD
Peter Petreczky Brookhaven National Laboratory amherst20.pdf |
9:30am |
10:00am |
Bayesian and Neural Network Approaches to PDF Reconstruction
Joe Karpie Columbia University jk_qcd_real_time.pdf |
10:30am |
11:00am |
From Lattice Matrix Elements to Continuous Functions
Kostas Orginos & Gert Aarts William & Mary and Swansea University talk-amherst.pdf |
8:30am |
Solving the inverse problem for lattice 2-point and 4-point correlators
Jian Liang University of Kentucky inverse.pdf |
9:00am |
Backus-Gilbert Reconstruction of PDFs from Lattice Data
Aurora Scapellato Adam Mickiewicz University aurora_scapellato_amherst.pdf |
9:30am |
10:00am |
10:30am |
11:00am |
Inverse Problems in Lattice QCD Beyond PDFs
Max Hansen & Anthony Francis CERN inverse_problems_in_lattice_qcd_beyond_pdfs.pdf |
8:30am |
9:00am |
Lattice Data in the JAM Framework
Jacob Bringewatt University of Maryland qcdinverseproblemworkshoppresentation.pdf |
9:30am |
10:00am |
10:30am |
11:00am |
Global Fitting Paradigms
Nobuo Sato & Krzysztof Cichy Jefferson Lab & Adam Mickiewicz University satocichy-discussion.pdf |
8:30am |
9:30am |
10:00am |
Bayesian Approaches to Low-Energy Nuclear Interactions
Christian Forssén Chalmers University forssen-amherst_201022.pdf |
10:30am |
11:00am |
Open Questions and Challenges
Sinéad Ryan & Luigi Del Debbio Trinity College Dublin & University of Edinburgh inverseproblems.pdf |